Dec 10, 2010

After all.

Hello bloggie! (:
Its been a long time I didn't blog. Shit, I've been too busy with things lately. Very, very busy. I'm having a dinner tonight! :D And I miss my friends.

Talking about friends, one of my best friend sorta, well, back stabbed me. She didn't really do that, she just had a relationship with my ex-boyfriend. Wonder if she cares, she fucking doesn't! She thinks about herself a lot, she cries a lot, and she sometimes sucks in choosing. At least that's how I see it. I don't know how to explain it anymore, she's just too complicated. 
I don't care if someone from school or she herself sees this, because she's supposed to know. 'You can go back with him if you want to.' What are you saying? You can't even stand when they're gone for a while, and you want me to have him back? Suck his dick, he doesn't mean anything to me anymore, neither do you. 
Sorry I had to post this, it's really getting on my nerve, you know. Your relationship with him is like a tortoise. You tried to hide it but it doesn't work out, because you trust somebody so much. 
You pathetic little bitch, goodbye to you and him, and to our memories. You're such a shit face.

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